early, late, more or less


New member
Mar 22, 2010
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I think about 75% of our business is done between the hours of 8 and 2, even though we were open 6:30 till 6. I hire mostly college kids, and doing the schedule is like a jig-saw puzzle every week. I keep wondering which would be better: close earlier, reduce income by 20-25% and payroll by 50%. or stay open later and later, trying to build up evening or night time business. If I do stay open, I have to exert a whole lot more effort and supervision to get my 'money's worth' out of employees when business is slow, they tend to kind of collapse. I'd also need more employees. I dread hiring and breaking in new employees.

when we were opened before, we never had much luck with night life at our shop, due to a tourist town that rolls up at sundown. but things seem different now, more people are coming by for coffee and meeting friends after work. it is exciting to think about the possibilities now that the community's habits seem to be changing. The other option that appeals is to just close around 3, and shop or go home to roast do bills, or, (unheard of!) relax!

I'd love to hear what other's hours are.
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if you find one, make sure you don't offer owner financing--send him to the bank and let him ruin their business!