ECM Mechanika V Slim Troubles, Overheating?


New member
Apr 17, 2023
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Hi everyone,

I have been experiencing some troubles with my ECM Mechanika V Slim at home.
Fires up perfectly fine, brings boiler pressure up to 1.25 bar and after about 30-50 min the boiler pressure slowly goes down to about 0.2. And stays there.
I figured after 4 years of strong use maybe a replacement of the pressurestat was necessary. (So I did that) But that didn't solve the problem. I hear it working and regulating the range nicely and then all of a sudden it stops.

The brewhead feels surprisingly hot after 15 min already.
My current theory is that a safety mechanism kicks in to protect it from overheating and internally shuts off the machine.
Has anyone experienced a similar situation before? I am new to the technical side of the machine and would really appreciate any pointers and ideas.

Thanks so much!
Hi. I have the same machine and have had issues with it heating properly. Over the years I have replaced the pressure stat, the static relay TWICE (i think this is a common component to fail), the heating element and even replaced some of the wiring. My knowledge of how the machine operates is still somewhat limited but I suppose I've learned more about heat exchangers than I ever thought I'd want to know. I know that the machine strives to maintain a correct temperature and there are mechanisms that work to keep the machine from over-heating. The static relay, limit switches, pressure stats, etc. all play a role. Have you checked the static relay? I believe this part is responsible for switching electricity going toward the heating element. When the unit cools - the switch is activated and turns on the heating element. There's a red LED that lights when the switch is activated. At least - this is my understanding. There are videos available from both Whole Latte Love and Clive coffee that illustrate how to check and replace this switch. Worth a try....

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