employee uniforms

The best was the French Maid uniform. It was great for tips. We ran into some OSHA problems with some hot coffee on exposed skin so we switched to Baggage Handler uniforms. In Brussels Airport, I saw ground crews with blue coveralls with wide reflective bands. Durable, eye catching, and they looked fabulous.

http://www.fireguardusa.com/images/gerb ... mpsuit.jpg

Reminiscent of Devo, but that was the image we were aiming for. Not your black linen apron kind of place.
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no more caffiene for you! lol

*hands javahill a decaf*

but I'm being serious about the uniforms...where does everyone go for their uniforms for their employees?

(for those who opt for company uniforms, that is)
Hey J.H. you changed your avatar. So what happens in the fall??? :twisted:

gimme_coffee, there are tons of uniform companies on-line along with very competitive pricing. I'd say do a Google search in your area or go through Dex On-Line and look for some in your area.