Espresso cart in the San Diego area.. Any Ideas?


New member
Sep 7, 2003
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I am looking for a location for an espresso cart in the san diego area. If any one has any ideas I would be glad to hear them. Thank you.
You'd like to know the perfect location to set one up or you are looking for someone who knows where to get one? If its the first choice I'm not that sure since I haven't been to SD for a few months but I'd hope if you chose the first floor of a business building make sure its a BIG business building because I will often buy from our office lady but that is in hopes to ensure she always stays there, I don't think she makes much from this office, they dont seem to drink coffee and they all seem half asleep :)
a little of both really I'm looking for ideas for good location ideas, but if someone has a specific in mind and can get me in there it would be incredible. Thank you for your reply I really apreciate it and will add BIG business buildings to my list of potentials.
First, have you every considered having a freestanding drive thru? These types of espresso businesses far out weigh that of the walk up espresso cart. I hale from the world of espresso :grin: The Seattle area. The trend over the last several years have gone to the drive thru. If at all possible I would suggest going that route. Contact me directly if you are seriously looking at doing so.

Coffee Guy said:
First, have you every considered having a freestanding drive thru? These types of espresso businesses far out weigh that of the walk up espresso cart. I hale from the world of espresso :grin: The Seattle area. The trend over the last several years have gone to the drive thru. If at all possible I would suggest going that route. Contact me directly if you are seriously looking at doing so.
Well I was off to work, but I must respond to you first Espresso Outfitter. Rather than getting into a war on words, I'll agree with you on this point...That is, you're right there are still places that can use a cart. And there is nothing wrong with that, seems I forgot that there are still office buildings, and center city places where people walk around (during sunny days). So in that respect I'll agree. However, in today's world where people are on their way to work in the mornings and don't have the time to stop at a cart once they've arrived to work unless they catch a bus, most would rather leave their homes a little earlier in the morning to drive by their favorite drive thru and pick up their cup of heavenly brew. In any case, rather they pick up their coffee from a drive thru or a cart, the bottom line is everyone is happy :lol:

Since you are in my neck of the woods, maybe we should hook up 8)
Thanks for the kind words Espresso Outfitters (I love you man) :oops: Anyway, I enjoyed speaking with you today, I equally enjoy lively discussions especially when they have a point. It's good to have other opinions instead of only one point of view. The one thing I can say about this forum is it's a great place to bring everyone together rather we are vendors or customers, first timers or old pros. As I mentioned during our conversation, my main interest is helping our industry grow, especially when there is so much opportunity for you, I and others with something to offer those in need of direction. It's not all about the money (although that's nice to have) :grin: . We have an obligation to educate those wanting to get ahead and make their mark. After all, the BIG Boys in our industry (I won't name names) have to answer to share holders, and their major function is to do that and continue to get rich, however, in the process forget what the true enjoyment, and true artistry of preparing excellent espresso and coffee based drinks is all about. That's where companies like yourself, ours, and others out here still care about what we do to make sure our products are the best, our services are the best, and our customers the best. I too have had the opportunity to visit your site at and found myself impressed. I guess after seeing some of yours carts, that they have come a long way.

Well anyway, let's keep this forum alive and get others to pipe in their thoughts. Remember we all share a common interest in coffee, and I for one would like to expand business for all of us that are vendors, use one another when we can to promote each other, and for those seeking our help or services to come to us first. After all isn't that the point for having this forum. And last but not least...BIG PROPS to the creator(s) of this forum to give us this avenue to share. :D
If you are going to do it right!

Massimo Bresin is the one person you need to know if you are going to put a coffee cart in San Diego. Not only is he arguably the most knowledgeable about coffee in San Diego county (he personally knows everyone from Juan Valdez to Rosito Bisani, to the Lavazza, Danesi, and Pasquini families), but he supplies only the best coffees to the best clients. If it is a fine restaurant in San Diego, they have Roma Espresso's coffees. He also imports desserts from Rome (like the famous Bindi pastries), etc etc. His coffee carts are in the best locations like the Ximed building in La Jolla. Anyways, check him out.
Nice commercial endorsement. Do you work for these people? Or have you worked for these people? Just wondering? :?
Hey DavidSD... C.G is right... you are new to the forum and your first three posts all point to "this" website. Not good form bud! :(
Hey A.E. I haven't heard any response from David SD, but I guess that's no surprise...As for his claims I don't know about you, but I'd like to visit San Diego (although I was there for many years) and check this Massimo Bresin guy out. Wow I wish I knew Juan Valdez, Rosito Bisani, the Lavazzas, Danesi, and Pasquini families...That would be cool 8)

In any case I'd like to welcome David SD to the forums, but lets keep the commercials to ourselves. If you want to promote, put your website and a pm up and we can look for ourselves. I'd prefer to be educated, not pitched to :mrgreen:
(he personally knows everyone from Juan Valdez to Rosito Bisani, to the Lavazza, Danesi, and Pasquini families),

Hehehe... I was just thinking this sounds like a line from "The Sopranos"!
Forget it Guys, that was a long time ago.

I want to send a big thanks out to everyone who replied to my topic. It seems like a million years since I posted it. Let me fill you in on the happenings. I now use my cart as one of two mobile services available at my business. I own 2 drive thru's, the cart, a huge van with 2 service windows, and I just set up my first little franchise store. We are set to open 1 new location next year, and several more in the comming years. We decided that having a back yard would be better than San Diego, So were in the most beautiful place in all of the world. The Bitterroot Valley in Montana. Anyway, if you come through here, check out the Bitterroot Beanery, and thanks again for all the advice.
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