Thanks for the kind words Espresso Outfitters (I love you man)

Anyway, I enjoyed speaking with you today, I equally enjoy lively discussions especially when they have a point. It's good to have other opinions instead of only one point of view. The one thing I can say about this forum is it's a great place to bring everyone together rather we are vendors or customers, first timers or old pros. As I mentioned during our conversation, my main interest is helping our industry grow, especially when there is so much opportunity for you, I and others with something to offer those in need of direction. It's not all about the money (although that's nice to have) :grin: . We have an obligation to educate those wanting to get ahead and make their mark. After all, the BIG Boys in our industry (I won't name names) have to answer to share holders, and their major function is to do that and continue to get rich, however, in the process forget what the true enjoyment, and true artistry of preparing excellent espresso and coffee based drinks is all about. That's where companies like yourself, ours, and others out here still care about what we do to make sure our products are the best, our services are the best, and our customers the best. I too have had the opportunity to visit your site at and found myself impressed. I guess after seeing some of yours carts, that they have come a long way.
Well anyway, let's keep this forum alive and get others to pipe in their thoughts. Remember we all share a common interest in coffee, and I for one would like to expand business for all of us that are vendors, use one another when we can to promote each other, and for those seeking our help or services to come to us first. After all isn't that the point for having this forum. And last but not least...BIG PROPS to the creator(s) of this forum to give us this avenue to share.