espresso grind

I use my Maestro Plus everyday for both my Chemex and my Innova Arc espresso machine. 2 or 3 dots from the "P" in esp, is a good place to start for espresso. The actual esp setting is a little too fine for my use.
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thanks ill try that
now how can i tell if its too fine or not
i can not get a dry puck for nothen 1 out of 4 dry puck if im lucky more soupy i try to use 30 pounds of pressure on my tamp but its hard to tell and i try to always use the same amount of espresso
If its too muddy, its too fine.
The extraction couldnt work its way through the coffee properly.
Try a little coarser .
The other thing that makes it muddy is not enough coffee.
Basically play around. There is not one particular grind that will work well for everyone. You likely will have to adjust your grind on a daily basis. The Solis is a great start, but ultimately isn't the best grinder for espresso. There is a lot of play in the burr carrier, and it just isn't able to produce as even of a grind as would be required by a high end espresso machine.
