Espresso machine for a gift


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Oct 7, 2004
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Hi !

I'm new here and I don't know a lot about coffee except the fact that I drink 4 or 5 per day.

I want to buy an Espresso machine for my friend. She would use it for Coffee Latte or Cappuchino. I cannot pay over 150$US (I'm from Canada, so it's 200$ here).

What is the best machine for that price ?

Someone told me that something like Delonghi (Alicia 3-6 cup) was a good thing and you just have the thing for milk appart. Would it be a good choice ?!

I'm new here too - but I'm not new to inexpensive espresso machines... from what I've seen, $150usd isn't enough to get a machine that works really well. I had a DeLonge which I could never get to work well, my brother likes his Krupps but personally I don't think his espresso is that great (shh, don't tell).

My recommendation is to shop eBay and find a cheap price on one of the machines that gets good ratings here. A used high quality gift would be more appreciated over time than a new cheap one.
Look for a Jura Capresso. It won't be cheap, but you will get good espresso shots. If you were looking for a good home espresso machine you would add and extra 0 to your maximum price. It is possible to find a good machine for $650 to $800. Much less then that and you most likely will not be happy!
Before I got an Isomac Millennium, I had a Saeco Rio Vapore for a year. It is the model that the Starbucks Barista is based on. It is at the high end of your range, but you might be able to find a used one from someone who is trading up (already gave mine away otherwise I'd sell it).

While the Saeco isn't in the same class as the Isomac, it did make a servicable espresso. The steam was a little weak for good microfoam, but it certainly could make enough volume for a decent drink for people who like steamed milk in their coffee.

A Honda Accord is not an Audi A8. But it does get you from place to place. You can find something in your price range that you'll be happy with. When you're ready, you can trade up.
Espresso machine in say....elementary...

:lol: I don't know where in Canada you are from but you cannot get a a real pump espresso machine for $200.Impossible.And a steam machine like a Delonghi from Canadian Tire is a waste of time.Steam machines do not make real espresso.There is not enough pressure from steam to make a real espresso.What you will get is thin,watery and crappy.If your friend has tasted real espresso in a cafe she will be really miffed by the espresso from a steam machine which is the only machine you can get for $200 and under($70 bucks-Canadian Tire Delonghi,$80.00 Walmart)
If you want real espresso you need a real espresso machine which has a pump and enough bar pressure to produce real espresso.You need at least 9 bar pressure and a real boiler to make espresso.
Save your pennies because a real espresso machine starts at $350 and up to thousands of dollars.A Gaggia machine is your best bet.They make the best machines.Faema and Saeco are good too.Why don't you just take your friend to a high class espresso cafe in Little Italy if you are from Toronto and treat her to real espresso for a couple of bucks.
Maybe it's because I don't have your educated pallate, but I have a Bialetti Moka Express, which is a stovetop steam machine, and I find it makes decent coffee (not quite espresso obviously, but still a lot better than drip coffee) especially for the price. I don't think everyone needs an espresso machine that costs several hundred dollars.
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Thanks folk !

I guess I would find something else. It would be the first x-mas with my girlfriend so I want something she'd really be happy to have. But my idea turns about Espresso machine, Ipod and all expensive stuffs. It would be easier if I haven't thousand other gift to do. Well, I will find out ! :)

I'll surf ebay, maybe i'll get some chance. I don't want to give a used stuff... she deserves more :)

My coffeee is ready..

Good morning !

Ah, trying to impress a girlfriend with a first Christmas present. Hmmm. That is a tricky one. Impress her or lavish your gifts upon her? It makes me long to be young again.

After being married this long, expensive gifts don't cut it. They need to be special and reflect that I know her. They can be expensive, but they also have to be appropriate.

Big questions for the espresso machines - is your girlfriend a gadget freak or not? Espresso machines need some care and feeding. If she's not that type, I'd recommend a Keurig machine or a pod machine. The coffees you can get for Keurig taste better than pod coffee, but it is a little more expensive. Keurig comes only in one color - black - so you might want to think about style. Check out the colors on the Francis!Francis! machines.

Match the machine to the personality.

When we were in Italy for our boy's baptism, we drank espresso every morning made in a little stovetop espresso machine (do a search for a moka brewer). It was great. If you're trying to make a great impression, get one yourself first (they can be under $20 new) and practice a lot. Brew at least a half pound of coffee before you either brew something for her set her loose on her own machine.

Become the expert by Christmas and make her a nice espresso on Christmas morning served in great little espresso cups (another gift - if you check out the Illy espresso cups, you can blow $100 bucks on some stunning cups). Or you could spend a lot less and still get some great little cups.

The key thing is that you want to demonstrate that you know her, not just that you have money to spend on her. It is harder, but if she's the one, that targeting will be worth more than the money you spend.
Get a Bodum Santos vacuum brewer. they are fun and are around $100 ... they make great coffee (similar to french press).

I would check out ...

They have a very cool espresso machine called the Granos for $499 ... but if you are on a budget go for the Santos.

Ha ... it's like buying your girlfriend something you really want too ... ;)

Good luck!

We have one of the Bodum machines in the office and it is without question the coolest looking espresso machine any of us have seen (and we're a $150 million coffee company so we know a little about espresso). Seriously Jetson. Maybe more like Robocop. Major league cool.

But it is not as easy to use as a regular espresso machine and the espresso is uninspiring.
If you are looking for a home/office machine in the $500-$750 price range I would look at the Nuova Simonelli Oscar as well as the Innova Dream. The Dream is cool and stainless steel while the Oscar is euro designed and produces a shot quality of a commercial machine.
you are out of luck -- UNLESS YOU CAN FIND A Coffee Gaggia for around $200......

ARE you sure she wants this, and is willing to do the learning curve AND deal with the MESS?

or is it for you???

Espresso machine for your Baby

Hi, if you have not bought an Espresso machine I have a semi new ( not much used). It is a near new Starbuck Barista, all steel and made in Italy by Saeco. I have no use for it so I will be willinmg to part for $ 155 (USA)
incluiding shippment. If still interested ,please, send me an e-mail.
michael 07