Espresso Measurement

Java Rocks Tony

New member
Jan 30, 2005
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Just wondered how full a lot of folks here fill the portafilter. Obviously there are limitations so as the portafilter can actually clamp to the machine, but I wondered if there was an average here that folks filled them.
I fill it to the top with un-tamped cofffee...level the coffee, knock the top of the port-a-filter , tamp the coffee, polish and then pull the shot. Works out to 14 grams in a double port-a-filter.
i prefer 9 grams for a single and 18 for a double.
It just makes the coffee richer especially in milk coffees.
I am a 7 and 14 man- same as Toper. Grind fresh, dose, tamp, tap, tamp and polish. 7 for a single, 14g for the double. Although I do not drink Italian Espresso (see the long posting elsewhere :wink: ) I was taught the barista trade by a very old Italian and a suave Greek Hotel owner. Both of them would rap my knuckles if I went off the(ir) beaten track! Thats why I am a roaster, not a rock'n'roll star barista :grin: . My knuckles still ache at the memory.
Some old Italian rules were made to be broken Alun . :P
I think as roasters shouldnt be so stingy with coffee.;)
Leave that to some of the people the cafe owners.

Well measured out coffees are an economy thing.

Splurge Alun, splurge!!!

If its a good coffee it will always taste better and richer in my opinion.
If there are flaws in the coffee they will become more obvious with the deeper filters.

Ooooh youre knuckles should be blue!!!
Ahhh....the memories of those dark, yet glorious days behind the old 2 group piston machine come back to haunt me. The Greek owner, who I shall not name out of respect for his shear brute strength, drilled me well. I still have sleepless nights. "7 grams...not a milligram more" RAP!! Old habits indeed die hard!
I like 21 grams in my Swift triple. My feeling is, the more coffee in the basket, the richer & deeper the shot.
i must be missing something here...ya'll keep talking about 9grams, 14grams, do u weigh the grounds or have a premeasured and marked portafilter? i just always fill the filter about 3/4 full for our standard double shot direct from the espresso grinder, tamp, polish and pull into 2 bar shot glasses.
JRT, the filters are pre measured approx to 7/14 (shallow filters) and 9/18 grams (deep filters)usually.
Its important that you always fill the filters to the top . Dont stop 3/4 way because youre creating a space between the shower screen and the coffee.
The coffee wont fuse properly as it swirls around in the 'space'.

You would probably find that when you finish making your coffee and youre knocking the coffee out of the handle it would be wet and muddyas if the coffee is too fine plus its not filled all the way? (there is usually a mark in the filter where the cpffee should reach.

The idea is to have a hard biscuit that has been properly enfused with water and comes out in one piece.

I hope i understood properly.

I've tried that as u say and not go only 3/4 but the portafilter will then not propery fit on the espresso machine, and the coffee leaks out of the top of the filter as it being extracted from the bottom. i do know that u r right with the puck thing, it does not happen to me! :(

gues I have learning project tomorrow LOL

thanks for the advice.
Java Rocks Tony said:

I've tried that as u say and not go only 3/4 but the portafilter will then not propery fit on the espresso machine, and the coffee leaks out of the top of the filter as it being extracted from the bottom. i do know that u r right with the puck thing, it does not happen to me! :(

gues I have learning project tomorrow LOL

thanks for the advice.

Im not sure exactly what you mean.Tony.
Make sure you have the right filter for the handle to your coffee machine.
Make sure it is in good condition.
Make sure your seals are clean if you run the handle of a spoon inside your seal where the group fits you might find theres a heap of gunk in it. That would happen because youre not putting enough coffee in the filter so when the coffee is swirling around in the 'space' some of it is actually swirling into your group under the seal. Just run a handle of a spoon inside the rubber seal and see what you can dislodge.
Also find a blind filter. (Like the other filters but it has no holes) what this does is it stops the water from escaping from the group and it cleans the head.
You might need some Puly ( a kind of espresso machine detergent)
Just see if you can clean the heads like i described(poorly) and see if its better then.

Let me know after youve done it.
My bet is youll find a heap of coffee gunk behind your seals.
Tony because your seals are full of gunk when there is pressure water is escaping from the sides of the seals and dripping from the "top".
If you look at your filters youll find a line/ ring inside them near the top, thats where the coffee should fill to .
Youll get there.
Its about education and maintenance.
If you want to learn to do it correctly you will.

Your coffee sales will increase as a result. :wink:

Let me know if you understood what i said and if you did what i asked what happened.
Worst case scenario (hopefully ) youll just need a set of shower screens, seals and filters as well as a blind filter and puly. Sounds like alot but its not and when you know what youre doing your sales will sky rocket.
Another thing is , are you buying ground coffee or grinding it yourself.
The grind might be too find and the water might not be able to go through the coffee. So it kind of explodes on you and the handle pops out?

Look it sounds like its a cleaning maintenance/ tuning problem.

Shouldnt be hard to fix.
i just saw ur new posts Chris, I will try what u suggest. thanks for the insight.
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