
New member
Sep 2, 2008
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Greetings Coffee Forum Members,

My partner and I launched a farm-direct 100% Single Estate Grown Kona Coffee partnership with a handful of excellent small family coffee farms on the Big Island of Hawaii. Our website is: started with three values, quality, clarity and patriotism. We believe that 100% Single Estate Kona coffee is the quintessential example of a high quality untainted product made right in the United States of America. After discovering Kona coffee, we spent months testing all varieties of Kona coffee from every source possible.

Over a few caffeine fueled months we assembled a small list of farms that produce consistent high quality first class Kona beans. After befriending these growers, we learned that these farms sell a majority of their excellent crop to bulk distributors to barely break-even. These distributors mix these top quality Kona with lesser quality beans, immediately roast them in bulk, and sell to the end customer months later at a staggering premium.

At, we recognize the extra cost of Kona, and we value the educated purchases of all Kona buyers. Each customer spending a premium on fine Kona coffee should receive the highest quality Kona with no compromises. Additionally, each first class Kona grower should also be rewarded for their amazing work. is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality Kona beans while supporting small family Kona farms.

Each Order fulfills will:
• Contain 100% Single Estate Grown Kona Coffee Beans;
• Contain strictly graded Beans according to the Hawaii Administrative Rules;
• Be roasted only upon order to your exact specifications;
• Be stored in a light blocking, vented and re-sealable plastic pouch;
• Be clearly labeled with the exact Estate Number, Roast Date and Grade; and
• Sell in a single weight, the Imperial Pound (lb). will not:
• Sell Gourmet Blend, Hawaiian Blend, Kona Blend, or any blend containing Kona;
• Sell beans grown outside the Kona Coffee District;
• Confuse our customers with measurements in Ounces or Grams. Remember, 16 ounces equals One Pound, not 12 Ounces![/list]
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