Exhaust from roasting


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Mar 30, 2006
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I am curious about one thing mostly. With all the different roasters out there, to any of them come with an emission for the gases. I have done research on needing an exhaust system to get rid of the gases, but on some I have heard recycle the gas waste in the roasters.

Any insite on this would be helpful.
The exhaust gas from the roaster contains "gaseous emissions including aldehydes, organic acids, phenols and other hydrocarbons. In addition, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide emissions occur as a result of the combustion of natural gas which is typically used to fuel the roaster". This quote comes from the SF bay area govt. To my understanding the volatiles that would be combustible would not be of sufficient quantity or emitted at a constant rate, making them a poor source of energy, and probably not noticable. However, an afterburner is sometimes used to meet local environmental requirements, but this is a big consumption of energy.
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Yes this was what i was looking for. Do most roasters now a days come with an afterburner though, or is that something you purchase separately. From what I have noticed, its kind of a 50/50 split, depending on size and price mostly.

Thanks again.
Hey D.D.E.:

Do to Clean Air, EPA, and even some local Fire Dept, regulations, any coffee roasters are required to have after burners. I know this is true if you are located within city limits with residential areas near by. I'm note sure of the rulings like out in the country or rural areas. It's been a long time since I've read the regs. But you should be able to contact the Clean Air people in your city and see if they have that information for you. And the after burner is a seperate unit and will have to be purchased seperately. Also you might want to check and find out according to the size of your roaster if you need an after burner. We have a 24 kilo roaster and we are required to have one. But double check where you are if you need one.