Favor Coffee and Regular Coffee

Jeff Downs

New member
Apr 19, 2005
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I am new to roasting coffee beans. I'm not really into drinking flavored coffee but I would like to try it. What is the best bean for doing this and What exactly do you do?

Second, my wife likes a simple coffee (e.g. Folgers :cry:) , what is the best green bean to by for this.

Your best bet is to find a local roaster and see if he will sell you any flavorings...it is sort of a pain in the ass though....the stuff is super consentrated.....as to a similar coffee for foldgers....takes some brazilian santos, roast it and let it sit open to air for about 2 weeks :wink:
Yeah, two-week old Brazilian...that's the key to Topher's success and I'm surprised he is sharing his secrets! :p :p :p

Just kidding, Topher. What are you using for flavoring? Does your wife drink real coffee, too?

The key is to find a decent coffee that isn't too overpowering...you want the flavor to show up. A word of caution...if you are using professional additives, don't get it on your hands, clothes or anything else you don't want to smell like pancake syrup for a month.
:cry: damn son(or should I say old man :p) I thougth we where boys.....sigh :wink: as to my wife...she is from Scotland and enjoys tea over coffee....She drinks a capp everyonce in a while...damn I wish I never bought a machine...it is a pain in the butt to make one drink and clean up after it....I think she asks for it just to annoy me :roll: hahaha