Sorry to dig up such an old thread, but I'd like some clarification if possible. There seems to be some conflicting opinions here which is fine, but I'd like to see what you guys think is best for my situation. Obviously buying only enough coffee to use in a week would be ideal, but for me that's just not realistic. I live on my own, so a pound of coffee usually lasts me 3-4 weeks (most of my coffee consumption is at work, not home). I get Starbucks to grind it for me, as I hate dealing with the mess of a personal grinder. I store the pre-ground beans in air-tight containers in my freezer, and just scoop out what I need on a daily basis.
Is this okay? It tastes fine to me. The alternative would be to use a vacuum sealed container which would be left on the counter, but I doubt it would stay very fresh for the the 3-4 week period it would take me to get through it. Thoughts on that? I realize that most connoisseurs would probably turn their noses up at the thought of freezing coffee, but I don't know what other solution there is. At $18-$19 per pound, I'm not going to buy new coffee every single week.