
New member
Aug 6, 2005
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I bougt this machine and woud like to now if cup heater on the top shoud
be the same temperature on both sides ,because on my machine one side hotter than the other


Thank you.
Not really ... the cup warmer on the titanium is just warmed by the heat coming off the boiler ... its not actively heated like some other units

I found it to be pretty pathetic in terms of ability to heat the cups...just run some hot water from the steam pipe into the cup to heat it ... much more efficient
I've had the TITANIUM for six months now. At first I found that single dose was weak, but now I just use double dose (I like strong coffee) At about 800 doses the unit started to leak (I can live with that), At about 1000 doses the brew unit seized mid way in "eject the puck mode". Alas my unit is now in the hands of gaggia authorized repairer to fix the leak and unseize the unit and has been there for a month awaiting for a replacement part. Apart from that I'm quite happy with the performance of the unit. Anyone else had a similar problem? (Lucky I've got another machine which I can fix my fix!!!) :-D :-D :-D
I will never buy gaggia again personally

I have a gaggia syncrony digital

Its broken down 3 times this year now ... losing steam pressure...leaking ... failing to do anything....

Really starting to get annoyed with them.

The 2 times they have had it (i need to contact them again to get it fixed) they took almost 8 weeks to fix .... they actually told me it had been fixed and left for delivery (including giving me a delivery date) which i waited in for to no avail.

Not happy
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