Great morning off.

psycho supreme

New member
Jan 6, 2007
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Hey guys.

Just wanted to say I have today off and I'm having a great morning so far.

I got up and opened a fresh bag of 100% arabica Sumatra & Costa Rica Blend whole beans. Fresh ground them in my burr grinder and thew it into my auto-drip. A fantastic cup of coffee to say the least.

While I was drinking my coffee, I also started in on my signature omlette.

A three egg omlette beat together with virgin olive oil and 10% cream.

First I skillet some vegetables (chives, green pepper, red pepper) in some butter, then I pour on the omlette that I had mixed. I then throw some cheddar cheese in the middle. I fold one side into the middle (like folding a letter to go in an envelope) throw some mozzerella on and fold the other side in, topping it with a different blend of aged white cheddar.


And while all this was on the go, I had some Norah Jones on over my high end Bose sound system.

Just a delightful morning!

Cheers guys and have a great day :)

...And maybe share some of your stories!

What are these "day off" and "weekend" things you are speaking of.

Today I started with rolling out of bed around noon and hitting up a few shots before I shower(machine is about 3 feet from my bed). Chorrizo and egg breakfast tacos, some oj and an Americano to go with Sudoku and crossword. Good start to a long day of playing lego starwars and trying to do nothing connected to coffee other than drinking it. Think I may go out and get somebody else to make me a drink for a change.
aw man i could go for such an omelette... :shock:

hmm i think my morning ritual is the least appealing

wake up at 7:30, roll out of bed, pull a shot of espresso (my dorm room is pretty small, i don't even have to roll that far), no sugar none of that, finish up some latin homework, and go to class...and then make a delicious cappuccino when i return