

New member
Nov 13, 2008
Visit site
Hello everybody. My name is P.J. and i am a professional banjo player in a bluegrass band here in beautiful Virginia. I recently got turned on to good coffee and found this forum. Just wanted to say hi to everybody.
Hello banjohaze,

I hope you're not serious about wanting your coffee forum log-in deleted so soon. There are so many messages posted on this forum that it sometimes takes a while for us to see all of them. I know I have a lot of catching up to do because I've been having technical difficulties with my computer, which has made it difficult for me to check into the forum as often as I'd like.

I really hope you'll keep coming back and post more messages on the forum. It's a nice place to visit, and you'll certainly find lots of information here.

Greetings banjohaze ...

Don't give up so easily