Grind and Brew Machine


New member
Feb 19, 2009
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A friend told me about a machine that you fill with water and beans and just brew a cup at your convenience - machine will indicate when you need to re-fill with water and beans - anyone heard of these ??
No, but it sounds like a joke. I know some coffee lovers want convenience, but when will they understand you usually don't find great coffee and convenience together? From what I've read most grind-n-brew machines are crap. Just my brutally honest opinion. Later!
The Capresso is the ONLY grind-n-brew machine that is regarded as being decent that I'm aware of, but the OP inquired about something that will do this for "a cup at your convenience." I know of nothing that will do this on a one cup at a time basis.

But you're right about the cleanup/maintenance, which is something most people don't like to bother with. I guess that's why idiotic pods and capsules are still around. I guess not everybody is a purist, right?

Hell I think I'm going to go all-out-purist and grow/roast my own beans, smash them with a stone and brew them in a sock. How's that for convenience? Later!
Well if you decide that the purist form is for you please do not brew in a sock. You'll need to stew them much like a soup. Serve in nice looking bowls to add perfection.
CCafe said:
Well if you decide that the purist form is for you please do not brew in a sock. You'll need to stew them much like a soup. Serve in nice looking bowls to add perfection.

The thing I love about that is the texture, mmmm, crunchy coffee :).
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