grinding coffee


New member
Jan 13, 2009
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Hi, I am new to this forum. I enjoy 1 cup of coffee a day and have found myself getting more "involved" in the process. I have been using a one cup coffee maker with a metal basket for some years, but it has started to leak, (a very small amount so far). I received a Bodum French Press for Christmas and have started using it recently.
I have found that I am getting more fine grounds than with the old machine. This is in spite of the fact that I am using a much courser grind for the FP. Is this normal? Both are ground in the same machine, and the grind is visibly courser for the FP.
Thanx in advance for any help ~ Ron
Could be that you are not stiring the grinds before plunging. In the cafes we work with the process is as follows. Add the coffee, then hot water. Allow up to 3 minutes to steep. Stir the grinds, wait another minute, then push down the plunger. There are quite a number of ways to use a french press, but it is always best to stir before pushing down. This allows the surface (the wet coffee grinds floating on top of the press) to release the air that keeps the grinds buoyant... thus reducing the chance of pressure forcing the finer of the grinds around the micromesh and into the cup. Give it a go and let us know if it makes a difference. :-)
Thanx Alun - I will give it a try in the morning ~ Ron
Well, exactly what grinder are you using? There are lots of grinders that don't do a really coarse grind that well without having alot of fines. Later!
Thanx shadow. I'm not sure what kind of grinder - it's the one at the grocery store. All I know about grinders is that the burr type is better than the blade type. I have considered buying one, but really have no idea what to get for my one cup a day. Noise would also be a consideration as I get up well before my wife and wouldn't want to wake her.
I compared the 2 screens today, and the old one is definitely finer than the fp screen. I guess I'll put up with it for a while.
On another note, the fp coffee is only slightly better than the old machine produced. There is still a slight undertone of bitterness using a 3 min steep.
Thanx again to all,
OK, next question..... what beans are you using. Any issues that can't be solved with various grind changes, timing, etc. usually points to the beans. Later!
Right now I'm using Starbuck's French Roast. I had been using Peete's FR, but the local grocery stopped carrying it. I want to buy local to avoid the hassle and expense of shipping.
Thanx again ~ Ron
If you are buying at the grocery store you are likely getting stale beans. You would definitely see an improvement in taste by sourcing freshly roasted beans. As far as a grinder the Zassenhaus Knee Mill would be a relatively inexpensive ($80) choice that will do a nice f/p grind & be quiet. The Capresso Infinity ($89) is the cheapest electric I would recommend.

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