Gross profits from roaster towards payback


New member
Nov 24, 2006
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I have a couple of questions about roaster profits. I recieved a print out from diedrich which states that on an average, (for the sake of argument I have choosen the 15lbs roaster) a gross profit of $513.56/hr based on 60 lbs/hr means a gross profit of $8.55/lbs.
1. Is this a fair average?
2. What produces more net profits wholesales or retail sales?
3. What produces more net profits bean sales or drink sales ( in coffee shop)?
4. And finally how long (average) will it take to pay off the roaster?
I know that any answers will depend on a lot of variables, I am looking into some average ratio's for roasting and coffee house. Thanks for whatever anyone can offer.
1. Is this a fair average?

2. What produces more net profits wholesales or retail sales?
retail, but wholesales = volume

3. What produces more net profits bean sales or drink sales ( in coffee shop)?

4. And finally how long (average) will it take to pay off the roaster?
it depends on your business volume
Well, I guess you'd need to get customers first. And that's not easy. I find roasting so damn cool, I love it. I have no short term memory so when out trying for new accts.. I forget all the " no thanks" Unless you are a natural sales person, or employ a sales person or two.. Why roast?
Research, research, research. Thanks El and java. I did not think that those sounded like fair averages, but more like a sales pitch. Thanx
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