Have you ever "Eaten" coffee?

Life Artist ~

New member
Apr 29, 2010
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Hey coffee lovers;

used to drink coffee, huh?
after roasting and grinding lovely beans; I do enjoy having a spoon full of this warm chocolate-colored powder!
very intensive energizing unique experince!

have you tried it? 8)
Hi "Life Artist ~ "

I can't imagine someone grinding coffee beans and actually eating the coffee that way. I imagine the granuals getting stuck in between your teeth. Not a pretty picture!

I've seen chocolate covered coffee beans in candy shops...but I've never thought about trying one.
I'd be afraid of breaking a tooth if I ate one. I broke a tooth by accidently eating an un-popped pop corn kernel once, and it cost me a fortune to have my tooth capped!

I've never eaten ground coffee, but since I tasted one of those chocolate-covered coffee beans...well from time to time I like to keep a coffee bean in my mouth...and I end up eating it sometimes!
And I also add 1-2 coffeebeans to homemade chocolates....
When I have a booth at a coffee show, especially at Christmas, I prepare small gold packet of chocolate covered coffee beans for my purchasers as a thank you. Since the coffee is expensive, they really love it. And I admit, I eat quite a bit of it myself to keep me going. The dark chocolate is so delish with the crunchy beans inside, like a Godiva Glossette raisin or peanut?

I put a small promo label on them to keep the label closed.

You will love them and we buy them in bulk at the local bulk barn or whatever. Here is is called JohnVince Foods. 5 Pounds makes about 100 packets.

I wonder if you eat the green bean or the roasted bean??
Hmmmmm, chocolate with coffee beans? What a thought!
I wonder if you eat the green bean or the roasted bean??
Hmmmmm, chocolate with coffee beans? What a thought!

Definately the roasted bean. Try chewing on a green bean and see what happens. Will get some pics of Tophers grill and post later... :-)
They are definitely roasted. This is so funny. Here in Toronto this is as common as chocolate covered almonds.

How about green beans? Has anyone tried it yet? I wonder if the green beans will taste like peanut? LOL

I read some article before and talked about to make the coffee by using the very light roasted coffee bean s. They said that it tasted like a tea.
Yep, I once got some ground coffee in my mouth accidentally, it was like eating sand only not as nice :?
I didn't but I know Monks used to do it before long prayer sessions, African tribesmen used to do it before going out on a long hunt.
Yes I have! Did not leave a good impressions :D

I had grounded coffee stuck in between my teeth.. and when I smiled, people can see it.
It was sooo embarrassing!
love a chocolate covered bean, or just a bean by itself here and there. loved it long before i started drinking coffee (first tried as a kid)
The only bean I have eaten is an espresso Leonardo one and it's pretty good really, bit dry but gives a kick.
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