Have you visited Costa Rica or tasted its coffee?


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Jul 12, 2004
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Have you visited Costa Rica or tasted its coffee?

I live in Costa Rica and I have to say that I love my country and its delicious coffee...

I want to invite you to visit my site: www.crcoffeetaste.com , there you will find information about Costa Rica and its coffee. This site has the porpuse to promote Costa Rican coffee and give the opportunity to everyone to know more about my country's natural beauty. It is a very new web site, but soon I'm going to increase the products and sections, so check it out. If you want to buy something send me an email telling me that you are a member of this forum and I will apply a discount for you :D.

Ohh... and If you live in coffee producer country I would like to know about the coffee regions and tradition of your country, please contact me.


Luis Arce
Costa Rica and coffee,

:-D Hello,

I am interested in your coffee and your country. I must visit Costa Rica soon and experience everything, especially coffee, first hand.

I will actually be drinking your coffee soon.
I could not access the link - is it up yet? I am seeking a source for green coffee from Costa Rica. Any suggestion about who imports or sells wholesale here in the U.S.?
Costa Rican Coffee

I have been to Costa Rica and have tasted the coffee. I love it! As a matter of fact, every morning my husband and I visited Cafe Milagro in Quepos for breakfast and my morning cup. When we left (sadly), I picked up several bags of Cafe Britt coffee for home. Unfortunately, I ran out of it eventually (obviously but still sadly). Fortunately, Cafe Britt has a web site and I was thus able to order more for delivery to my home. When I got my delivery and opened that first bag, the aroma took me back!

I highly recommend the coffee. I appreciate you posting your web site. I'll be ordering some of the other coffees you sell as I like to taste a variety. I did notice that you sell Cafe Britt, which I know I like... but I'll be sampling others too.


BTW, I look forward to the day I can go back to visit Costa Rica.
I, too, have been to Costa Rica. I bought some coffee bring home but have run out! I tried to contact the hacienda where I purchased the coffee from but have been unsuccessful. I will try your site. I would love to buy some Costa Rican Coffee!

When my shop is up and running I would love to feature Costa Rican coffee. There is none better in my opinion.
I have checked out your website and was interested in the recipes.

I am looking at Coffee with Honey and Whipped Cream and I have a question. What is the purpose of the egg shells? Could I just brew the coffee in my coffee maker?
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