I have to disagree about the Keurig machines. All those un-recyclable k cups are arena environmental disaster (as are the flavia packets). If that doesn't bother you (hey, not judging, I know people are unconcerned or think the issue is overstated), the keurig machines don't generally get hot enough to get a really good extraction. The coffee from them often tastes very weak to me, even on the strongest setting, and the flavors are not very good also, IMO. The cost per cup is also high for the level of quality. You would be much better off finding a local gourmet fresh roaster that delivers. Higher quality, good service, and lower cost all in one.Btw, I've heard that flavia changed roasters and the quality had gone downhill. I can't offer any opinion on that as I haven't had any flavia since they switched. (I've moved and no longer frequent the local business that used them.)