Help For A New Member


New member
Dec 21, 2008
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I'm a brand new member of this forum. Curiously enough, I don't drink coffee! Stictly tea. And, not knowing anything about coffee beans, here's my story.

OK, here's the drill. For christmas, my wife tells me that she'd like to have a coffee grinder. Why? Because "last Christmas", someone gave her some Starbuck beans. They're still in their vacuum packed bag. Oh well, I'll do my best to comply.

So, I did my research and decided to get her a Burr Grinder. Fine, it's under the tree. But, I'd like to get her some beans that would mirror what she normally drinks. She normally drinks Folgers coffee. The question is: What would you recommend that I get her that she would like? Is there any place I can get what ever you recommend from a local place? I live in the SF Bay area.

Any help would be appreciated.

Well what brand/model burr grinder did you get? What type of extraction method does she prefer? Always make sure you (she) use(s) good, fresh water as well. Keep everything as clean as possible, etc...

I'd say toss those Charbux beans. They were probably crap when they were first given to her, let alone a year later.

I don't live on the west coast so can't comment on local places. You can order something online from a number of great pro roasters and can tell them what your wife likes and they can make suggestions..... Probably some type of breakfast blend would be a good all-around starting point. Nothing too specialized, medium roast, etc. Later!
First of all, she has never made coffee from beans.

What I got her was a "Capresso Infinity Conical Burr Grinder". I don't have any idea about an "extraction method".

So, I'll tell her to toss the old beans and I'll run out and get some Charbux beans if I can find them.

Well the Infinity is a great all-around grinder and will serve her well for many years. I have one myself and use it every now and then, will grind from french press to Turkish easily.

Extraction is....... french press, drip, manual drip, espresso, moka, etc......

I wouldn't advise anything from Charbux. If she is really serious about good coffee I'd suggest ordering from an online place like Intelligentsia, Metropolis, etc. Or you may be able to find some great local roasters and give that a try. If you buy anything from a supermarket you're not getting super fresh.... Later!
Hello "w5bit",

I wouldn't normally comment on Starbucks coffee, but a few days ago I received a package of Starbuck's Caffe Verona whole bean coffee as a gift, and I was kinda obligated to give it a try.

We ground it for a drip coffee maker (You'll see that your wife's new grinder has settings for that method of making coffee) I was very surprised! I thought the coffee came out to taste pretty good, (with cream and sugar) especially considering it wasn't what I normally drink. My friend commented that it tasted better than the Folgers that she usuallly drinks. So, its very possible that your wife would like it too.

In the mean time, you may want to consider looking into ordering whole beans from a local coffee roaster where your live, or explore coffee roasters on line. Just remember..."fresh is best" when it comes to coffee.

I hope this helps.

Hey, Cafe 101 is in the San Francisco Bay area. I'm not sure, but they may sell fresh local roasted coffee beans by the pound. And last I heard, they have the best biscotti around too! (Insert big grinning coffee bean here... or a wink wink smiley)
Hey caffe biscotto shoot me an e-mail so I can tell you about my new adventure. Just took a part-time job at an espresso bar and now I get to play with a 3 group LaMarzocco on a daily basis. Almost a shame that I get paid to pull shots..... Later!
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