I'm a brand new member of this forum. Curiously enough, I don't drink coffee! Stictly tea. And, not knowing anything about coffee beans, here's my story.
OK, here's the drill. For christmas, my wife tells me that she'd like to have a coffee grinder. Why? Because "last Christmas", someone gave her some Starbuck beans. They're still in their vacuum packed bag. Oh well, I'll do my best to comply.
So, I did my research and decided to get her a Burr Grinder. Fine, it's under the tree. But, I'd like to get her some beans that would mirror what she normally drinks. She normally drinks Folgers coffee. The question is: What would you recommend that I get her that she would like? Is there any place I can get what ever you recommend from a local place? I live in the SF Bay area.
Any help would be appreciated.
OK, here's the drill. For christmas, my wife tells me that she'd like to have a coffee grinder. Why? Because "last Christmas", someone gave her some Starbuck beans. They're still in their vacuum packed bag. Oh well, I'll do my best to comply.
So, I did my research and decided to get her a Burr Grinder. Fine, it's under the tree. But, I'd like to get her some beans that would mirror what she normally drinks. She normally drinks Folgers coffee. The question is: What would you recommend that I get her that she would like? Is there any place I can get what ever you recommend from a local place? I live in the SF Bay area.
Any help would be appreciated.