Hello: I am reviewing a potential location for a 750 sq ft. coffee shop inside a newly renovated office ''tower.'' The following are the parameters:
- 9 floors, 102,000sq ft. building
- Composition is lawyers, investment bankers, other business professionals.
- Local competition within 2 blocks, and potentially a food-court type scenario being built accross the street
- Located on ground floor with minimal exposure to street, next door (same building) is a professional office and a major bank
- No other food/coffee in building
- L-shape space, a bit awkward
- Entrance only inside the office building
I''m considering a independant (upscale) coffee shop which serves minimal food (maybe some wraps, muffins, etc.).
Can the kind members of this forum please help with the following:
1. General feedback on the location - it''s a relatively small office tower which probably has around 500 employees
2. What kind of capture rate can I expect for those employees in-building?
3. The landlord has asked for sales projections and also what kind of rent would be supported by those sales levels, any ideas?
Any feedback you can provide (and soon!) would be great!! Thanks!
- 9 floors, 102,000sq ft. building
- Composition is lawyers, investment bankers, other business professionals.
- Local competition within 2 blocks, and potentially a food-court type scenario being built accross the street
- Located on ground floor with minimal exposure to street, next door (same building) is a professional office and a major bank
- No other food/coffee in building
- L-shape space, a bit awkward
- Entrance only inside the office building
I''m considering a independant (upscale) coffee shop which serves minimal food (maybe some wraps, muffins, etc.).
Can the kind members of this forum please help with the following:
1. General feedback on the location - it''s a relatively small office tower which probably has around 500 employees
2. What kind of capture rate can I expect for those employees in-building?
3. The landlord has asked for sales projections and also what kind of rent would be supported by those sales levels, any ideas?
Any feedback you can provide (and soon!) would be great!! Thanks!