Help with store hours for fall and winter


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Jun 27, 2005
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I am the manager of a small coffee house in a town of 25,000. We are located on the busy main drag and not far from a major Highway. The intersection we are located on has 15,000 cars a day thru it (and this is correct Traffic Counts rock). Anyway the first 3 months we have been open at 6 in the morning and close at 5 in the evening. Now with the colder nebraska weather comming more and more cumstomers are asking for us to stay open later. I just need some ideas on what times to be open till. The traffic really slows after 6 (everyone is home) We are not located in a shopping district but are right next door to a Quiznos that is open till 9. Any suggestiongs would be appericated. Thanks

Ps We do have a drive Thru
Stay open for a few hours more for a month or so. If your traffic's purchases do not meet or exceed your minimum hourly operating cost then I would continue closing around 5. There is no reason you should stay open if you can't make a profit. If your customers can't understand this one little point then too bad.
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Thanks CCafe. That was my thinking but the problem is that i have three owners to deal with and thewy are dead set against switching hours so much. I guess it is there money so they can do as they please. Thanks again