Hi Coffee Lovers


New member
Jan 18, 2007
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I am interested in opening a new coffee shop/smoothie shop/snack /gift shop in a small town and am wondering what all I would need to have as far as machines to make the different drinks. Also where do I look to find possibly used ones or discounted machines for expresso and coffee. Thank you for your help.

I'm from right up the road from you, and my coffee shop just happens to be for sale. It is in Eureka, Il. but it can be moved anywhere, because I own everything but the building. It can also stay there. You really need to see it. There are some pictures on here now. I believe in the coffee industry category. Charlene Hohulin is my name. I am in Florida for another week, but my daughter is running the shop. Feel free to go take a look, and I will talk to you when I get back. It is the one with the purple espresso neon sign in the front.
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