Welcome to the challenges of small coffee business ownership in 2022. It's not easy... let's face it... if we look at the trends we are seeing a lot of people exit the business, and lots entering the business like yourself. I was you 7 years ago... business was going good until COVID kinda kicked me in the balls. It's tough but keep grinding... I know I roast great coffee and offer my customers a good value. With a bit of time, you will find your niche and create a personality with your customers.
Direct feedback about what I perceive your business. First, all the basics, branding, website - all check out, all look good. Second, when I look at the coffee selection you have two single-origin coffee and what I assume is a blend of both. That's a pretty limited selection (which I understand the biz challenges of multiple coffees) and what happens if I don't like one of the SO coffee, say I hate Brazil, well then I only have Colombian. I think you would be better off at least offering one or two more coffees - something with diversity in flavor. Third, if I'm a SO coffee buyer at the price point you're charging I want to know more about the coffee and what makes it unique. Is it from a particular region? I love Tolima Colombians but dislike others - how do I know what I'm buying from you? Lastly, I would consider selling your SO coffees as SO... instead of your branded name consider just selling it as Colombian. A lot of people don't read past the product name.. Just my 2 cents.. good luck. Mike