Hi! Need Tips Sell Coffee Beans Online In the US


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Apr 7, 2022
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Hello everyone. The Ok But First website went up a few months ago but the business hasn't yet performed as per my expectations. We are working on Social campaigns, and PPC campaigns are already in motion. I need tips to substantially increase my sales. The creatives and analytics, all checks out. The website has got a good no. of visitors, but the conversions are low compared to what was projected. May you kind java enthusiasts shower some knowledge and help me attain the target.

Please visit the website. I'm eager to read all the inputs. Thank you.
Do you mind telling me what size roaster you are using? I don't see anything on your site about roasting. Are you a roaster or a reseller? I hate to say it but factor might be the pricing. My last company was 99% online sales. It is hard to get someone to buy from you without tasting your product. We started putting in sample bags to our customers and started a refer a friend program. It also helped that they advertised like crazy on the radio. Pricing might be a factor. If I buy 1 bag from you it runs $33.28 a lb with shipping. I know shipping kills us. It cost me an average of $4.34 per bag via USPS. I offer free shipping on orders of 2 or more bags. Reduces the cost per bag by over a $1 per bag. I see that if you join your club the bag cost goes down to $22.79 a lb. That is still a bit pricey. I also noticed you only offer 3 coffees. A Colombian, a Brazilian and a blend of central and south American coffees. Do mind me asking which central American coffee you are using? Personally I would have used the Colombian as the Dark roast and roasted the Brazil lighter(just my 2¢'s) . Hope this helps a little? Lastly you need to change the spelling of Colombia in your mornin' kick description. It's spelled with a u on your page.
Welcome to the challenges of small coffee business ownership in 2022. It's not easy... let's face it... if we look at the trends we are seeing a lot of people exit the business, and lots entering the business like yourself. I was you 7 years ago... business was going good until COVID kinda kicked me in the balls. It's tough but keep grinding... I know I roast great coffee and offer my customers a good value. With a bit of time, you will find your niche and create a personality with your customers.

Direct feedback about what I perceive your business. First, all the basics, branding, website - all check out, all look good. Second, when I look at the coffee selection you have two single-origin coffee and what I assume is a blend of both. That's a pretty limited selection (which I understand the biz challenges of multiple coffees) and what happens if I don't like one of the SO coffee, say I hate Brazil, well then I only have Colombian. I think you would be better off at least offering one or two more coffees - something with diversity in flavor. Third, if I'm a SO coffee buyer at the price point you're charging I want to know more about the coffee and what makes it unique. Is it from a particular region? I love Tolima Colombians but dislike others - how do I know what I'm buying from you? Lastly, I would consider selling your SO coffees as SO... instead of your branded name consider just selling it as Colombian. A lot of people don't read past the product name.. Just my 2 cents.. good luck. Mike
Spot on Mike! The thing is you can also get creative with your roast degrees. I used to have Colombian that we roasted as a French Roast, Medium roast and a breakfast blend of 25% french roast and 75 % medium roast(still a single origin). That is 3 different sku's with 1 coffee.
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