Hot Cream


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Mar 14, 2006
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I have a small Internet Cafe and we started serving regular Seattles Best Coffees as well as Caps, Lattes, ect. The problem is when we serve double double the cream really cools down the drink. Does anyone know how to heat the 18% cream and when warmed how long it is good for?
What temperature...140 like our steamed milk?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
What size is a "double double?" If it is 20 oz or is going to cool...Same reason I stopped drinking 40 oz malt liquor..they would get warm before I got done with them :twisted:
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Nope.. I am referring to double 18% cream that most people seem to order in their coffee. I dont know how businesses like Tim Hortons ect.. do it. They must heat up their cream because when I order coffee there it is still steaming hot whereas ours becomes luke warm.
Any info on how they heat and how long it can sit is greatly appreciated.