How many tablespoons per 6 ozs?


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Jan 10, 2005
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I have seen two different views on how much coffee to add to each 6 ozs. of water. Sme say one per. others two per.
What is the consensus among coffee lovers?
One pound makes 3 gallons...good rule of thumb is one tablespoon for every 4 ounces of water...10 cup coffee maker 10 tablespoons...if you have a coffee scoop it is usually one scoop for every 2 cups( they are usually 2 tbls)

In the U.K. there is no hard and fast recipe for extraction methods, apart from espresso based drinks...4:1 (7g/28ml shot)
We usually recommend 12:1 French Press (80g per Litre)
1oz-30g per pint/ 568ml Drip.
Hope this isn't too far off the mark....but l guess it's different where ever you are??
:-D :-D :-D
However big that fancy silver spoon thingie you get from Gevalia, I use two of those (whole bean) in my grinder per 1 10-ounce mug (which shows 2 cups on my carafe).