More things to add... regardless of how far I make it in this industry, I still remember where I started and surely don't frown on that one bit. I've learned alot through trial and error, reading, etc... However, I would like to see people visit forums BEFORE they buy less than stellar equipment, not AFTER they have bought it and can't figure out how to get anything decent from it. Live and learn I say!
As we all know there is a very fine line between confidence and arrogance and I walk that line every day. Surely don't look at myself as being totally arrogant, just very confident in what I do each and every day.
Also, I don't "play" with my toys... might just be a saying, but I take what I do very seriously. I do tinker to change it up a bit, but play is hardly the word to describe it.
Last thing... I've been using my signature Later! for years to end all my posts on everything I do. I think I'm going to change that to suit the people in this world by saying W...H...A...T...E...V...E...R...!