I managed to start a coffee business for under 20k


New member
Apr 20, 2006
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Well.... sort of. For my business class, we had to work in groups to create a business plan. We could have done almost any sort of business but the catch was you can't spend more than $20,000.00 which was pretty hard unless you wanted to do something simple. We managed to get everything from decent used equipment, beans, cups with logos, 100 watt pa, counter, etc for slightly less than $9,000.00. We found a great location for the business near campus with a reasonable lease. We'll be open durring morning and afternoon hours, then evening and later hours on weekends and any major events happening in the city. I don't think this would have been as successful without Coffee Forums because I found a lot of great resources on here. I'll post more once we give the presentation.
I too have found a ton of information from these forums from knowledgable owners and coffee proficionos :)
I always said you can open a coffee house for alot less then people think, just have to be creative.
definitely true. while i've passed the 20k mark, i'm just barely at double... if only the township would get of their butts and get me permits i could open...
Our new store opens next friday in Beacon, NY its been a long three months, I will have photos on the web site in two weeks.

yes it will be #4 I must be nuts
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