I need advice on drive-thru coffee operations


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Aug 10, 2005
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I'm very interested in a drive-thru coffee operation and am looking for building plans, equipment, and coffee information that anyone can share. This forum has been very helpful.
My wife and I are in the same boat as you. We found a web site by Alex Fisenko: http://www.espressobusiness.com/. It is very interesting. He has a lot to offer for a price "OF COARSE". It looks like a good place to start but we not sure if it is wreath the money. Hate to spend the money only to find out that we could have done better, but for now it is the best we've found for the money.

There is an Espresso Convention in Seattle in October that will have a two-day class on Espresso and Drive Thru; I believe the cost is around $350.00 per person. We have not decided on this one yet.

There is a baristas school in Portland Or I believe it is called American Baristas. It is a five-day class and cost around $1500.00 per person. My wife knows the name and she is at work right now, when she gets home I will find out the name.

Have checked out Java-Jo'z site http://www.javajoz.com/ ? It looks good if you are looking for a Franchise. We are going to try to get dwn there for a look see. We have not decided if we should go it a only or with a franchise yet. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages.
If you come across anything that might be of interest to us please let us know and we will do like wise.
Bye for now. Friend1
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Thanks for the reply. I am in Ontario and unfortunately to far from Seattle, but it would be a great place to start. Anything like that on the Eastern side that you know of? I've decided against franchises because I have alot of restaurant experience and don't want to pay for the name. We have nothing for drive-thru coffee places here, but I am still hesitant. I need all the info I can get. I have checked out both website you mentioned, internet is a great tool!!! Thanks.
Sounds like you are way ahead of us. We are totally new at this and have along way to go. I wish we could be of more help to you. We are still searching the web and looking at anything that looks like it might help. If we find anything we will pass it on to you.

hope you had a nice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a great subject. One that is near and dear to my heart :D It is amazing just how many experts have come around within the last few years, especially on the internet. You are both doing the right thing by researching as much as possible before considering making any decisions. I might suggest that if any of the shows like the SCAA or Coffee Fest comes to your town or a city near by that you attend one of those first to give you a good idea as to what is out there. Keep in mind that the companies that attend these shows are looking for people like yourselves to sell to. I would suggest that you ask as many questions as possible if you attend these shows. Collect more information from those that interest you, then contact them later. Another option might be to do a search on the things that interest you specifically and contact a few companies and see what they may have to offer. I don't mean freebies and such, but instead what kind of training, consulting, and support they can provide both before and after you open your doors. Additionally if you have the ability to speak with a decision maker and not just a customer serive person reading from a canned script.

This is a great industry and a great business, and you should enjoy some success if you do the proper preparation and be prepared to work.

Feel free to pm me if you have any specific questions. :-D