In the look for a weight and fill machine

we have 6 AMS machines and love them...we just bought a key pak frac pack machine but haven't played with it yet. The only thing about the weigh in fill is loading them with out making a mess. We bought new "guides" sort of like wide funnels at the we have no trouble loading them. We had the loaders but they were more of a pain in the neck than just loading by hand. If you have any technical questions shoot me a pm...

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Not that level

Im looking for just one weight and fill machine .
The reality of a farmer is small. But quality ..
thats the only thing that keeps me alive ...
So im interested in a refurniched or small weight and fill . I dont what it automatic , semi automatic whit a pedal for the release of the coffee ..
Thaks for the incrdible vew of a good line of productionn ..
Good day
just wanted to say that these are quality...yes we have 6 but we spent a pretty penny on quaility. These are also semi-auto w/a foot pedal. We are actually going to buy 2 fully auto machines in about 2-6 months if any sales people are here shoot me a message. We just bought our first auto frac pac machine. I will post a picture later this is awesome!