Indian Coffee


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Jun 20, 2005
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Does anyone know anything about Indian beans. I am pursuing the idea of importing some from India (because I used to live there and have some contacts), but I can find very little info on them. I have read that Starbucks was going to be introducing some Indian beans. I have also read that Indian beans are very popular in Europe. Anyone have any insight???
Dear Longhomecoffee,
We are a grower coop importing INDIAN green coffee into the US with the idea of getting some name recognition for Indian Coffees. We have 9 growers from Karnataka and we already have coffee in our warehouse. Where in India did you live? What was your experience like? I was born and brought up in India but have been here for the last 8 years. It is always interesting to know what peaople think of India? Do write in when you get a chance.

Best Regards,
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I am an American but spent a year in India right after high school (8 years ago) in Andrah Pradesh - specifically Vishakhapatnam. I got to travel all over the area there and specifically into the jungle areas. That's what brought coffee to my mind there - because I remember getting out of the car there and seeing coffee growing wild and thinking that was cool. Now that I own a coffee business I wanted to help build some of those farmers up over there while also helping my business here. My friend in India said that he knows the minister of coffee in Andrah and that he will be talking to him soon. I still wonder how Indian coffee will go over in the US and what quality it is.....maybe you can e-mail me and give me some details of your experience so far.
yea i would have to agree im one that allways loves to travel and on a recent visit to india i found that its coffee is a more rich hard core i donno something that ones first time might not enjoy but for what ever reason you would like the coffee is prolly a good one the texture and the taste of it has to be one of my favrits i donno about any of you but i really think that if i had a choice i would drink that coffee its something about it that just sparks something in my mind and i dont know dont know why but this seems so addicting and i love talking to others about it i am now in a club here in my colorado that takes all sorrts of coffee and lives life good with the best