is it normal to have some coffee grounds in the espresso


New member
Apr 29, 2008
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i have a new krups espresso machine the first 10 shots were excellent but in the next shots i seem to be getting some coffee grinds going into the espress. and it is annoying. is this normal? is there something wrong? what can i do to fix this? thanks a lot!
Are you sure the grounds are coming through the basket? Maybe some are getting trapped around the rim of the basket or down in the portafilter, causing them to end up in the cup. Now if you are getting fines through the basket, all you can do is grind a bit more coarse. Later!

BTW, what Krups machine and grinder are you using?
krups grinder and espresso machine

i am using krups xp4020 espresso machine and gvx2 burr grinder

i find that krups coffee machines are greatly improved, dependable at a low price!

It's possible that you're not tamping with enough pressure, so the grounds are not compacting into a puck. A proper tamp is about 30lbs of pressure, and the grind should be fine enough to form a solid puck of coffee that you can invert and it will all stay in the portafilter. But it's also possible that your machine won't have enough pressure to force water through the grounds with a proper tamp, so that would be a catch-22.

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