Is this wrong?


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May 19, 2005
SW Florida
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I feel this is wrong.

The owner of the cafe I work at is extremly cheap. I understand why and that they must pinch pennies because sales for the store are down. BUT picking up spilled beans weather its 10 or 30 that spill on the floor and putting them in the hopper or grinder is wrong to me.
Oh and they blow in on the ones that happen to get crushed so the dirt falls off.
Would you do it?
They also stopped selling a particular muffin because of the cost. People come in only for that muffin and then happen to get a latte or capp.

I dont get it.

It sounds to me like the owner(s) may be missing the forest for the trees. They are so busy trying to save a penny here or there that they aren't focusing on the bigger picture, which is to generate new customers and to try to upsell to your existing customers. We seldom spill any of our coffee beans, and if we do, they go in the garbage; no need to risk contamination of the other beans.

As for the muffin deal, that's a different story. You (or they) should be keeping track of the requests from customers for this particular muffin to see if there is a demand for it. This happened with one of our scones, a Chocolate Chunk. It didn't seem to sell, so we took it off the menu. Then we had a number of different people tell us that they really liked it, and we ultimately brought it back. It is a good seller for us now. If the demand is there, bring it back for at least a limited time to see how it goes.

Then again, sometimes people get burned out on being owners of any business. Things fall by the wayside, and the overall experience suffers because there isn't the desire to keep things in top form. Perhaps you are seeing signs of a burned-out owner. This could be a way for you to have your own place, if they are willing to sell and you are in a position to purchase the business.

At any rate, these are all just possibilities, but the "bean saving" thing should go immediately, as its a health hazard in my book. When in doubt, throw it out.

Darren Kirby
The Comfy Place Coffeehouse
contamination is right...OH MY GOODNESS!! You have to be kidding me. Lets think about go to the restroom and wash your hands before leaving but you do not wash the bottom of your shoes. I think you get the picture...YUCK! Wow...I really do not know what to say..if you say something about their practice you risk losing your job..but if the health department got wind of this practice..or a customer saw that is a messed up deal. Good luck :?
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Thanks for responding. I did mentions these things and get the "cost cost cost" speech. They are new at the coffee business..not in business.

I will mention the bathroom and hand washing thing....needless to say I dont eat there.

This is a learning experience for when I open my own place. (I have a long not to do list :) )

Javamom, I'd find a new place to work if I were you. If the employees can't take pride in where they work the business is going to be hell to work at and is probably going to die (assuming there is a worthwhile competitor around).
I think you should look for a new job or make them raise their price by 5 cents to cover spillage and cover the cost of these muffins. But before you quit, can you find out the type of muffin they once served :) :) I am not happy with our current muffins and would like to maybe switch to these wunder muffins.
10 beans hhmm...maybe 15grams? Topher help..... 28 grams to an oz, 16 oz in a lb, and let's say 7.00-something for a lb of java. 15 grams is just trivial.

I agree: look hard for another place to work and learn. You are only going to be swimming upstream for the current work place. Also, your reputation as a barista will be negatively associated with this " business" I'm currently looking for help, and one of my applicants come from a place that I know was no up to my standards.
( that's the nice way to say something negative)
I have reservations because of her experience.....
That would actually be about 23¢ cost and lets see...15 grams and it is 7 grams per 1.5 oz shot. You could make 2 shots at a $1 a shot...thats alot of profit being just thrown away...and by the way I am being sarcastic...later I am off to enjoy the rest of my vacation! :p