Jamacian Blue

I know where you can get it for the price I was paying when I was a beaubeaner! I am heard Jeff is good at getting good prices on things :wink: :oops: I will get you the number for that coffee.....
He is looking for green alex....Beaubeaner(wayne) if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate in calling me( you have my cell) Just to let people know....Wayne is located in MS in one of the hardest hit areas...like I said...anything...just give me a call. I am coming up in a month or so to help out a friend who lost everything. Will look you up.
No we didn't get affected by the storm..thank goodness!! There are 3 storms out there right now though. Sorry I didn't realize you sold green also...no offense though....he is a roaster not a home roaster and he can get better price....when I was roasting where he was we went through more than a large barrel a month.....oh well....back to the ole grind

I see. The prices on our site are for the home roaster. We also work with the US factory rep for Mavis Bank Central Factory dealing with wholsale barrels (15kg, 30kg, and 60kg). So it goes without saying that prices for volume are completely different. :)
Glad to hear you were unscathed.
Wonder what will happen with all the ports down there?
Scary isn't it...the port that is...25% of the coffee for the US comes in through NOLA. Price where going to drop...they said that Brazil was going to produce some 40% more coffee next year....so it will probably level out....time will tell....Thanks again...Just talked to Beaubeaner....he said he and his family are o.k. Not sure about their home....lets hope for the best.
There is a small farm that I usually purchase my JBM from called "Greenwich Blue". he was a fellow student that attended roasting school with me when we attended the Diedrich school. His quality is excellent. PM me if you are interested and I can give you his contact information. :)
Hey Topher,
Have you heard from BeanBeau? How has he made out with the whole Katrina thing?

Coffee Guy,
Just sent you a PM. I would love to know if the guys at Greenwhich Blue know our VP Gille. He may have helped with their farm management as he was an extension officer with the Board for many years. Keep me posted.