Jamaican Blue Mountain


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Oct 27, 2003
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Has anyone tried these beans and are they really worth $30 or so per pound? I don't mind paying extra for good things, but only if they are worth the money.

Worth it?

Not to me. :?

At least, not the JBM I've had. It was selling for about $40/lbs. I got 12 oz. for about $6 (special mistake deal!), but it really didn't do much for me anyway. I'd rather have Kona for that kind of coin! :lol:
I think I have had too much diner and truck stop coffee over the years and I can't tell the difference anymore between really good coffees. :oops: I just stick to the more expensive grocery store bags nowadays.
Grocery Store Coffee

Yeah, some of the coffees one can find in grocery stores are not that bad, anymore. At the Albertson's in San Jose I was at the other night they had Peet's, Millstone, and some other "high end" brands of beans I'd never seen before, as well as the ubiquitous Starbucks. In the northeast one can often find local roaster beans and Green Mountain in the grocery stores.
JBM is an extremely good coffee, but it largely depends on which estate you get the greens from, and it also depends on the roaster. If you have an inexperienced roaster producing this product you won't really enjoy the true flavor of this coffee. In addition if you don't brew it or press it correctly you'll have a problem as well. With that being said, don't spend the money if you don't know how to prepare it. :D
$30?? That is cheap!! I sell my Jamaican Blue Mountain at $50!! I use Wallenford estate though....I have never seen it under $40. Now remember that a coffee is priced mostly on quantity...you can find some kick ass colombians but pay next to nothing because they produce so much! JMB only produces a small amount each year...hence the price.
jamaica coffee

$30?? That is cheap!! I sell my Jamaican Blue Mountain at $50!! I use Wallenford estate though....I have never seen it under $40. Now remember that a coffee is priced mostly on quantity...you can find some kick ass colombians but pay next to nothing because they produce so much! JMB only produces a small amount each year...hence the price.
jamaican coffee is picked by virgins and blessed by the pope hence the 40Lb price the same goes for tequila that cost 50.00 a shot(you are what you drink and drive). :twisted:
I too purchase greens from Wallingford, and theres a couple of other estates I purchase from as well. In my opinion, they all taste good. I sell enough to where I can afford to keep the price to the consumer a little lower. Therefore my sales are a little better than most roasters.
Hello, just road the net looking for 'real' blue mountain coffee, found prices
from $15 to $40 a lb., how do you know if your getting the real deal?.
I was in Jamaica on vacation and I can say the blue mountain I had in the resturant was great, I've tried a few brands (whole bean) here in the states and nothing compares. Are there any companies willing to send a one pot sample.
I got some from jamaica

my bro bought some in jamaica. not good... not even close to other speciality coffees, too acidy... did i get a fake one???? :cry:
JBM largely depends on how old the are and from what estate. The most commonly know is from the Wallenford Estate. Great coffee especially when taken from a fresh harvest. But because of the cost of greens, some roasters may settle for a older crop to keep their price down, but still make good profits. Just a guess, if the JBM your brother brought back was old or maybe not roasted properly, you could have had a bad experience. However, if everything is right, the taste is very mellow and a delight to the mouth :lol:

thanx i give it another try sometimes in the future. it did not say, which estate was the coffee from. it was in a small burlap bag with blue pring JBM. in the burlap bag there was a sealed bag with medium-light roasted coffee. the beans seemed to me too small. something like when you roast brazilia santos 14/16.
I just ordered a pound of green coffee beans from wallenford estate--and immediately after read that mavis bank estate is far superior, and sometimes wallenford can have a :cry: cabbagy-taste?? Is this true? ...Did i throw away $30? :shock:

And also--anybody have any tips for roasting it? I'm a newbie roaster using an air roast.