Keeps You Runnin'!

I am no marathon runner and far from worrying about my times on the track. I so however run for personal health and will proly be experimenting with coffee and caffeine to see how much it assists or interferes with my abilities when running and exercising.

I normally find myself very fatigued and tird after a 4 mile run, I'll see if coffee before or after the workout changes my mood.
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Not a runner myself

but I do work out regularly (martial arts, yoga, eliptical trainer, free weights). I usually drink a cup or two of coffee before the workout. I think it helps me get "psyched up" for the workout, at least, and I think it improves my energy levels during the workout. Much of this may be placebo effect, I admit, but I'll take every effect I can get! :-D
Coffee + Energy

Next time I go out for my run or bike ride (asuming I buy a new bike sometime soon) I will try the coffee. Normally I don't drink anything before going out remembering when I was a kid me and my brother went to the corner market before our swimming lesson and got a huge drink with all the sodas mixed. Well I went swimming and that was the worse pain ever :) Not to say coffee will do the same just changed how I drink before I go and do activities ;)
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More Coffee Workout Stuff- Men's Health

Coffee: The Repetition Builder

How it makes muscle: Fueling your workout with caffeine will help you lift longer. A recent study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that men who drank 2 1/2 cups of coffee a few hours before an exercise test were able to sprint 9 percent longer than when they didn't drink any. (It's believed the caffeine directly stimulates the muscles.) And since sprinting and weight lifting are both anaerobic activities -- exercises that don't require oxygen -- a jolt of joe should help you pump out more reps. Skip it if you have a history of high blood pressure, though.

How it keeps you healthy: By saving you from Michael J. Fox's fate. Harvard researchers found that coffee drinkers have a 30 percent lower risk of Parkinson's disease than nondrinkers.