Krups Aroma Control 229 Replacement... HELP


New member
Nov 21, 2009
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Hi all.

I am new to this forum and I'm hoping that someone can help me.

I am in search of great coffee, and fortunately/unfortunately I found great flavor... I did not know what I was missing until I had coffee from a Krups 229 Aroma Control machine.

I thought my Bunn (forgive me if I caused groans in the crowd) was great because it was fast. Now I know that it's fast, but it's not great. And after much experimenting with quantity of grounds, etc., I am restless to find another solution.

I believe Krups discontinued the line in 2004. That saddens me.

HOWEVER, I am sure that on this coffee forum, someone can tell me how they replaced their Aroma Control machine, or make a recommendation for a suitable machine that will deliver that kind of quality.

Granted, to many of you, I may be "slummin' " because I'm not educated in coffee, and my only experience is that I know what I like. And now i know that I CAN'T HAVE THAT because those machines have been discontinued.

Any help will be much appreciated.

My uneducated guess is that the incredible flavor comes from (at least in part) the conical filter. My Bunn leaves my coffee grounds plastered to the sides of my unbleached BASKET filter, and I'm supposing that the water is simply moving too quickly through the coffee grounds.

Again, any tips appreciated.

Well I have been using a BUNN VPR drip machine for about 6 weeks now. It works very well, but does flow a bit fast. Lots of people love BUNN units, but have the same complaint. Most try to alter this by simply blocking a few of the holes in the showerhead with a piece of toothpick. Some of the BUNN units allow the showerhead to be switched and BUNN makes lower flow showerheads just for this reason, but experimenting with the toothpick seems to be a viable option just to see if you get better results.

What model of BUNN do you have? I simply can't imagine anything made by Krups even being close to what you have. Later!
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