La Marzocco GB5 Repair Questions


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Apr 8, 2024
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Hi everyone. I am trying to get into the coffee game by opening a coffee shop and I have an opportunity to buy a 2013 La Marzocco GB5 2 GRP for 4800$. I have briefly inspected the inside once, but unfortunately did not take pictures. From my amatuer analysis, it seems the previous owner did not use a water filter. There is evidence of heavy scaling and it does not look like it was properly cleaned before being put in storage. There seems corrosion like a car battery has on the group head caps. I do not know if it turns on. Being an amatuer, I have a few question that maybe someone with some technical experience can answer.

What level of corrosion is considered routine and can be cleaned up? How durable are espresso machines to corrosion?

Can scaling brick an espresso machine or can it always be cleaned up? How durable are espresso machines to scaling?

One last question that is moreso related to cost. How long does it take a good technician to take strip apart a machine to the bones and put it back together?

If anyone can provide me some insight to help me make a decision, I would really appreciate it.
IMO (and I'm not a professional) $4800 is WAY too much for this machine. The machine is 10 years and most likely needs a through going over. Ask around for the cost of having it professional serviced and subtract that from the $4800. I bet the cost of servicing is over $1000. If it were working perfectly and in great shape what would you expect to pay for the machine?
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Okay, I guess I left out that it is an AV. Refurbished or in good shape, online these are running 8-9k before taxes and shipping. We already talked him down a $1000 because of our concerns and the seller obliged.
If it's been refurbished, why the corrosion and scale? If it had been refurbished the corrosion would have been removed and it would have been descaled too (or at least it should have been). I still say you're going to have to have it serviced (and descaled) and it'll cost at least $1000. I did a quick web search and I see they sell for about $6500 so $4800 is a good price knowing you'll need to have it completely gone through. The corrosion isn't a real big's just a warning sign and of course EVERYTHING is fixable. And again just my 2 cents
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Okay, like i said, I am new and inexperienced. If cleaning up scale and some corrosion is no big deal, then I feel good about this purchase. Thanks.