Vibiemme Domobar questions


New member
Dec 15, 2024
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First time poster here. I have been the happy owner of a 2006-vintage Vibiemme Domobar Super heat exchange espresso machine, used typically on weekends for at most 5 espresso/ milk drinks. I descale 1-2 a year, and water is from a house softener.It's been a great machine--only repair needed was to replace the switch on the "scale" that turns boiler off when water reservoir becomes low. I have two questions:

1-- Lately, when I install the blind filter for cleaning and turn on for cleaning, pressure increases until I turn off the vibe pump, but the pressure gauge shows pressure going higher after the vibe pump is turned off. If I take the portafilter off at this point, pressure remains high. If I follow up with a 2nd wash, pressure drops but then builds . In the past I seem to remember during the blind cleaning flush the pressure would go up but then a valve would kick on and I would hear a "whoosh" and some hot water would come out at the relief port ( sorry if I don't have the correct terminology here ).
I am wondering if I have a bad relief valve , or maybe some other component?

2-- This is a more general question related to steam pressure on this machine. The steam pressure redlines at about 1.2 bar. I don't feel I have ever been able to make great microfoam with this machine's steam wand. Might be a technique issue ( I've tried lots of variations but still could be something on my end ) but my question is, would I do better with a newer unit that has a higher steam pressure?

Thanks for any input you can provide!

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