

New member
May 15, 2005
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I've been looking into getting a new logo for my shop. Anyone have ideas on where to look? At this time, it's just the name of my shop, but thought about adding graphics like cups, beans...etc. Thanks
Something that you might want to look into is to speak with your local community college/university about possibly seeing if any of their graphic art students would like to design your logo for you. It's a great benefit for the student, as they get real-world experience, and you get your logo designed for free or for very cheap.

We went this way and were not disappointed. We had a number of different designs that our person came up with based on what we were looking for in the design. We have been happy with using our logo.
logo names

I definitely have a few suggestions for you, however, it depends on the kind of coffee you’re selling… Give me more details about your coffee line /price and I can offer some suggestions...
I would suggest you look into logoworksDOT com, I haven't worked with them yet, but I plan to, and have heard many good things about them.

The other suggestion about going to a local school is also good...
that could be quite costly. Professional firms do charge quite a bit of money for logo developments. If you want a cheap way to go, go get some students to help you but you need to make sure you know what you want. Alot of time students lacks direction and focus in their design. You probably want something that communicates your product effectively to your customers.
logo design

I am using a consultant who owns his own coffee shop and does logos for lots of coffee shops as well as other retailers. I'm pleased with his work so far, and he charges by the hour for it. I don't know your budget but he is somewhat flexible in service and very friendly to deal with. Please email me if you'd like his contact information; I would be happy to refer him to you. He has an art degree but his main focus is coffee roasting, and he does all kinds of coffee related training as well as logo design and signage on the side.

Kim Sciabica
Hey! Thanks everyone, I have been really busy lately, so I haven't had time to get on. I have been renting my building for the last 6.5 yrs, and the owner wants to sell it, so I am really pumped! Lots of ideas, and lots of work. I still haven't gotten around to doing anything with my logo, but will take into consideration all replies. Big problem though, I live in a town of 15000. No college's here. Just a local high school. The money... well, I think I can afford a logo, just trying to get my shop building right now. Thanks to everyone!
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