Looking for a bean supplier


New member
Mar 29, 2004
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Hi. If there's anyone out there who can supply beans as a roaster I'd be interested in hearing from you. I'm looking to rebrand under my own label. Thanks.
nwjava..what size roaster are you guys roasting on...and are you the roaster?
Topher, my friend, 1.5lb and 3 kilo, kinda small but then again it fits my experiance...Toph any chance seeing you in Seattle coffefest?
man I had a brain fart...you use the monster roaster...no I wont be at the coffee fest...but will buy you a drink at the scaa show next year :wink: I would like to see the no tamp coffee...does the coffee come out in a puck? The reason I am not going to the coffee fest is because I have been before and wasn't impressed...It seemed directed towards newbie's...the casino sent me to Vegas to check out the show...they sent me for 4 days...I walked the floor in under 2 hours.....went to a couple of seminars and actually walked out of 2 of them....don't get me wrong it is good for people that are starting out in the biz
Hi there!

In one month we´ll have a roaster, grinder and packer rigth at our coffee mill in Central America. If you are interested in many possibilities, get in touch!

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