Looking for a Roaster


New member
Jan 9, 2007
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Hi, I'm new to the forum and was wondering if anyone has small (about 5lb.) roaster they would like to sell? Or if anyone knows of any places going out of business that may have one? I would really like to get an Ambex or a Toper but am open to others. Thought I would try and find one used before I went and bought one brand new. Thanks.
SW Michigan. But if you know of a Roaster for a good price it's worth the shipping. If I bought one new I would have to pay shipping anyway. However, it would be great if I didn't have to. Thanks.
BeanGrinder said:
Hey - whatever price Kaffee-Kantate agrees to, I'll beat by $350!

What's this, are you trying to be asshole or is this some kind of joke? It's not like its hard to find a roaster. Just thought I'd save a little money by buying one used. Anyway, you're in Georgia, $350. is what it would coast for shipping. Fresh Roaster sells an automated machine anyway. And anyone can get one for the same cost. Or were you posting for anyone that might have one in the future? I was just being friendly and looking for friendly information. I didn't realize that we were bidding in competition here. It is a business and business is competitive, but it is also respectful. If you are looking for a roaster fine, post a topic that you are looking for a roaster as well. Anyway, just try not to be too much of an ass.
Chill, dude. I'm just stirring the pot!

You're a photographer that has wandered into a forum for roasting professionals - your post screams newbie trying to make a passionate hobby into a business. I'll lay odds you're currently burning beans in a popcorn popper.

Actually - most of the regulars here know that I am pretty generous and freely offer my advice and time. I've helped a few people get started in this business and to think I'm an asshole says you have no sense of humor.

If you've spent some time here you'll find out that quality used roasters are tough to come by. You'll also find out that, once in a while, those of us in the business need to blow off and sometimes come here to do it.

(Anyone else paying attention? I'll make it $500)
Actually, a sense of humor is usually for a joke. But considering the fact that you were not making a joke then why would I find it funny? And yes, I am a photographer. And to say that I have wondered into a place of roasting professionals means nothing. Did you get your degree in roasting coffee or did you just start it as a hobby and it grew into a career? I kind of doubt you aspired to be a coffee roaster when you grew up so I'm pretty sure that most of the people that are in the coffee business started it as a hobby. I am a very nice person. I just don't like taking shit from people who obviously are assholes, as proved by your reply. Anyway, this is my last retort. If you want to call me an ass back fine. And if you find a coffee roaster just the right size and for just the right price then good luck and I hope you continue in success in your coffee roasting business.
try asking over at the Roasters Guild website. You never know when someone is looking to upgrade.
Way to go KK = dig in your heels and don't take any grief from smartass wise crackers :twisted: . I'm sure BG just meant to yank your chain, but he might have saved the 'tude for someone other than a newbie to the forum. You are likely right about most micro-roasters having little experience before starting roasting, and whether you intend to pursue as a hobby or professionally, one must start somewhere.
Ken Davids wrote a useful book about home roasting/micro-roasting. Sweetmarias has a pretty decent website and lots of relevant products. The roaster manufacturers sometimes have refurbished or trade-in roasters available - and frequently will warranty the machines. Several used roaster dealers have been in business for years. Try the restaurant equipment dealers/auction houses - lots of cafe's/restaurants/micro-roasters fold operations and the used equipment generally sells for 10 to 50 % of the original price. John's tip is valid, since lots of small batch roasters get either outgrown or the entrepreneur exits the concept.
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the help. I am trying to get into the market professionally. And yes, I am starting from the bottom. I wish I could afford to start out with a really nice, larger roaster, but it just doesn't make since to do so when I won't be able to utilize it fully. I'll check the roasters guild, and hopefully find something. Thanks again.

Jonathan Gates
Okay, whine box, I'm sorry. You really need to watch your language, though - you'll get yourself kicked off the forum! No, I didn't grow up aspiring to be coffee roaster. Some people would say I never grew up! Roasting coffee is a devine gift I was blessed with. No, I would never call you (or anyone) bad names - it's childish.

Have you checked the roaster exchange? http://www.roastersexchange.com

There are a couple of clearing houses, some virtual, that operate like this exchange. They help companies buy and sell equipment.

Geez...this forum is dying of boredom.
Well, I'm glad I could liven things up a bit. Thanks for the advice it is much appreciated. So, do you sell your beans online or do you have your own place that you sell out of? I might like to try your beans and see what coffee tastes like when someone is gifted by God to roast. I know I have a lot to learn. And no, I have not tried roasting beans at home in a popcorn popper. I figured, if I was serious that I shouldn't waste the time. I didn't think it would help much in the long run as far as learning to roast. Thanks for the info, and the advice. And if you have a website, I really would be interested in taking a look.

Jonathan Gates
Deidrich IR-12

Hello there - I have a Deidrich IR-12 ready to sell. It has been out of production for about 18 months. We used it for an average of 600 pounds per week for about 12 years (not so much in the beginning). It is in good shape. Black, pin-stripe, brass and chrome inside store model. We are no longer in business due to corporate coffee. But had a great reputation in Connecticut. Would love to sell it to someone that loves good coffee as much as we do. If interested, just whistle. [/i]
Haw much are you asking for the Deidrich IR-12 and do you have any idea of what it weigh's
I would love the IR-12 but for right now I think it is a little bit too big for me. Thank you anyway, and it looks like you've got someone else interested.

Jonathan Gates
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