looking for used Probat L5 or Ambex 5kg

beach brewer

New member
Feb 10, 2005
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I´m new to this forum and i feel highly appreciative by the practical knowledge learned thru this open exchange of ideas.
I am located in Mazatlan, Mexico, a beach resort on the Pacific.
My wife and I own a couple of coffee bars in this port and are looking into roasting for our consumption and future expansion.
I´ve done some research and I lean towards buying a Probat L5 or an Ambex 5 kg roaster, preferably used but in good condition.
Any leads will be appreciated.

beach brewer
beach brewer , just a question?
Why are you looking at those 2 roasters in particular??
This is not on your list.....but this is a lotta roaster right here....and I predict it will come in WAYYYYYYYYYYY under value.


I am researching my next step up to a real roaster....and Diedrich roasters are supposed to be awesome. I plan on attending their seminar, as I live a few hours away, and will probably buy one when I go. (and I am not ready to make this purchase just quite yet....even though it is going to be a great deal)

just my 2 cents.

I bought equipment from these people doing the auction when I started my espresso stand...good folks.

I have no ties to this auction or company....and ZERO to gain, just giving ya my 2 cents.

Good Luck
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thanx for tip, Diedrich seems high quality, Probatino 4 sale

Thanks for the tip about the used Diedrich roaster. I checked out their www page and the brand looks strong and commited.
I am considering it seriously...

This is the 3rd time I reply here but it seems that my message doesn´t post.
The reason I only considered Probat and Ambex roasters is mainly because my wife/partner received great comments about these at the Portland conference from a respected professional in the field.
Although, I must admit my lack of knowledge for the rest of the brands out there. Now, that I research more about it Diedrich is also a good contender.

By the way, the Probat representative in Mexico City mentioned he had an almost new Probatino roaster for about $8,000.
bb, thanks for thaT.
Its always good to know why people have a name or two on their lips when there are dozens of manufaturors.
Im always interested to know why people are a particular brand.
is it the brand?
is it a recommendation?
is it price?

I have a probat but have never roasted with it.
Ive always roasted with Italian roasters in the past and have had a go at a Dietrich.
I have also trillaed a Turkish roaster. Ive never had a problem with any of the roasters doing what they were meant to do well.

Oh and believe it or not.. in my very first company(coffee) we built a 60kg roaster 4 motors, that roasted 23 min roasts but there was some wastage while we waited for our Vittoria to arrive from Italy.
We made a business using that monstrosity for 3 months.

Oh my ex partners still have it in the roasting room as a back up.
I think bottom line is no matter what people tell you the fundamentals of drum roasting are basic and have not changed for 100 years.
The rest is all buzz and of course it depends on service. spare parts.. but again roasters are so basic that most parts are universal and can be found anywhere.

This throws a spanner in the works with how alot of people think and the message that is put out there... but in all seriousness , if all you want to do is roast...you get yourself a roaster. ... any roaster.

Sure ive read debates in here how this is better than that..blah blayh blah... drum roasters are drum roasters... and air roasters are air roasters..and whilst ive never used an air roaster.. people that have swear by them.

whilst i havent used every drum roaster out there.. even my monstrosity did a good job ropasting fantastic consistent roasts. Its only problem was it was slapped together in a week and there was some spillage.

Hard for people to fathom that isnt it???A home made industrial roaster turning over from 0- 350/400 kgs of coffee per week over 3 months. Catapulting us into a business that eventually became mainstream.

In the end the roaster was embarassing bring people into see our establishment and coupled with the spillage we were happy for the Vittoria to finally get here.
Thats not to say it wasnt doing a terrific job for us.
Hey E.D.G.:

Thanks for the link. Took a look at that Diedrich on eBay, what a steal :shock: Man although I don't need an additional, I just might have to keep my eye on that one just before closing time. If it's still in great working order, someone is going to cash in on that one.

And hey Beach Brewer (B.B.), I have some roaster friends down in your neck of the woods, Frednando & Donna Cota, you may want to contact them and see if they may be able to shed some light on any of your questions. They too own a Diedrich roaster. We're old Diedrich classmates. I believe their email address is dcota@wwdb.org if it's still the same. They don't know me as "Coffee Guy", so tell them that Sean at SGC referred you over to them. Hope this helps. 8)
Hehehe, thats a cool story Chris!
About your other post, I looked at Deidrich, Primo, Roasters Exchange, Toper, Ambex, San Franciscan, Probat, and Im sure a couple more.

I went with a 10Kg Ambex because of a few reasons:
1 They are very involved in the spec coffee industry. Terry (the owner) goes to all the conventions & the roasters guild retreat. That meant alot to me, they bring thier machine to roasters events., and even host roasting classes at thier cafe in Clearwater.
2 They get great reviews (as do some other machines) by many people such as Topher on these forums.
3 Their machine really are built like a tank (like many machines)
4 Parts avail in the US
5 The price can't be beat, the 10k is currently 10,900 US!!
Thanx Chris & Sean, Tepic coffee tour

Thanx for going all that length with your entertaining and thoughful insight on roasters.
By the way, where are you located?

Also thanks for the Cota contact. I already emailed them and hope to hear their story.

A few weeks ago, my wife and I visited the neighboring state of Nayarit to see a coffee plantation for the first time.
A friend of a friend who is very involved in the local coffee trade there, not just took us to the plantation at full harvest, but also to a "beneficio humedo" (wet harvest), that is, where they process the freshly picked berries.
Then to a "beneficio seco" (dry harvest) or warehouse. Also to a cleaning and roasting facility. Finally to a lab to do some tasting. All within an 8 hr tour in the city of Tepic, Nayarit.
It was quite an experience!

It was the first time for this person to do such a complete tour. We wished we could stay a couple of days longer, but had to go back to Mazatlan on Sunday.
My wife had the idea of promoting such a tour with interested people in the trade.
Anyway, just some thoughts on the wonderful ways of coffee...
bb, im in Australia.
Thanks everyone. It was a fun time in my life.. i didnt have a roaster.. i didnt know how to roast... we built this 'THING'... it was sink or swim... fortunately we learnt!!!fast!!!!....and had alot of fun doing it. :-)
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