Marketing Espresso Machines


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Dec 6, 2004
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Being an online retailer we have thousands of items that sell daily. One line of product in particular which is not getting as many sales as we would like is the espresso/latte/capuccino machines. I would like to get some expert opinions on this issue. Please take a look at our website and tell me what you think:

Are our prices too high? Do we not provide enough information?

Thank you all!
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Thank you!

Thank you very much for your reply and critical information. It is answers like that which will help us better serve our customers now and in the future. Thank you again!
I agree with NW Java. I sell home espresso machines also on my site but I am first a coffee roaster! All you can buy on my site is coffee related or coffee itself. My sales are still not enough to do as my sole income but I am working on it.

Maybe create a section just for coffee things. I do have a wholesale store that I sell by the 5 pound bags and you could rebag it for your store. I also have a few different bag sizes. For that matter check with your local coffee roaster and he may be more than happy to help out.

I don't mean to sound like a sales pitch but it is coffee lovers that are willing to spend a few hundred on espresso machines and grinders.