Miss silvia my Silvia's frothing knob is stuck partly open. I am afraid i will break it with too much force. Silvia is2 years old. the steam has

Craig L

New member
Nov 20, 2022
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I have a two year old Rancilio Miss Silvia whose steam is frozen in a partially open position
the knob will not budge in either direction. I really can't really use it until I get the steam wand to work. Any ideas on freeing up the wand
You mention freeing up the wand as well as the knob being locked into a half open position, correct? The steam valve could have buildup inside keeping it from moving freely. Best thing to do, and quite easy, would be to take the steam valve apart and maybe give it a quick clean/descale. Often the knob is cranked down tight repeatedly which will damage the seal, then cause it to break away causing issues with the valve/wand function. A full rebuild kit can be had for maybe $15 and DIY to have it like new again.