Mobile Gourmet Coffee Truck


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Mar 29, 2004
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My father and I are considering starting a small business that basically tries to take the concept of the gourmet coffee house mobile. Gourmet coffee and tea, thats it. little league games, essence wherever there is a great deal of foot traffic.

Startup costs will be about 30k for the truck and supplies. I was wondering if anyone had heard of this concept before and what your thoughts were.


Mobile Coffee shop

Yes, I have heard of one. I started one in Colorado. So far so good. This is my first full summer soming up and I am booked!!!! email me at

Mobile Coffee shop
getting mobile

I have heard of it as well. I heard of it in New York. I thought that it would be a great idea. Especially if you live in a big city. You could go to the downtown/business districts or hospitals, maybe even country clubs, college campuses etc. I think it would be a great idea. Good Luck
Sorry 30k isn't going to cut it.... You better think of using a cart. and those even start at 15k. There are a bunch of mobile units out there. The Original Seattle Coffee Company, Trolley Car Coffee Co., Run Around Brew, Coffee Guy of Idaho are just a few.... The one of the few I listed is the one I see most of on the internet as the one truck that most people are actully using. That one is The Original Seattle Coffee Company. Here are just a few of the places to go to se the truck online by those who are using it. Sam's Mobile Espresso Bar ( The Curbside Cafe ( Now those two are of the older trucks that were made before the newest of the line came about... Now here is one of the newest trucks that The Original Seattle Coffee Company makes now. Cooks Mobile Coffee Co. has the newest truck design of them all. (

I sure hope I have been of some help to you in your quest for a mobile espresso truck.

Well it is a good idea. I think 30k for a coffee shop maybe enough if you have many connections or you have a strong marketing team.
30K won't get you too far IMO. Whether it be a leased building or van it really takes much more to do it right. Then you'd want to have some capital to get you through as well as advertising costs, startup product, etc.

Now I will say that amount would be plenty if you wanted to do something like an espresso cart, then grow as your business increases.
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