Most unusal place to have coffee


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Feb 11, 2004
Bristol UK
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For me, this has to have been a coulpe of years ago or maybe a bit more as I was still in college ( hey I'm still 21 :wink: ). We were on a tour of Italy going to Pompei, Naples, Rome and the like. Whilst we were in Naples we went to the top of Mt. Vesuvius. I cant remember how far up it was but there were some boiling mud pits which you could walk around that smelt like sulpher, this place really did reek no two ways about it. Not a stones throw away someone had set up a little cafe and gift shop. Apart from the smell and active volcano backdrop it was quite a nice place, we just sat in the sun drinking espresso and cappuccino. So I was wondering if anyone else has had a coffee in an unlikely place.
How about in a church? And not just a card table with coffe for a quarter and powdered creamer. A full coffee bar. With everything from granitas to bubble teas to mochas and machiatos to cheesecake, doughnuts, and tacos. I thought the idea was a bit unusual at first but then i saw Barnes and Noble book stores, Ashley furniture, and Dell computers doing it so why not?
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OK, I'll give you that. I would not expect that in a church. Around my way the church coffee mornings are at about half ten in the morning, and involves some powdered nescafe and a game of bingo, so I tend to stay away. If they start to take coffee as seriously as the church you mention I may have to put in an appearence :)