

Super Moderator
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Aug 14, 2003
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Well in about a company will finally be moving into our new location...I can't wait..I will have room to breathe...we will have 20,000 sq ft more!! Oh well I will post pics once we get situated! :wink:
Send pictures :grin: By the way, how was the show? I just got back myself last night from California. May have to go back again within the next month :shock:
Great Topher, you have more room now to add to the impressive list of roasters you have accumulated :grin: Cant wait to see the pics.
will definately post some to the was a bit disappointing :( maybe next year will be better. The 120 is supposed to be hooked up this week...and I hopefully will fly down on thursday to get some time on it. We move the 20th start production the 24th and I leave for Scotland the 26th...first vacation in 3 years!! Gone for 12 days and then back to the ole grind! :wink:
Scotland - SWEET! We are going to London on May 4 for 7 nights. Let me know if you are going to be in London. I'll buy you a pint and we can talk about coffee! Or, I'll buy you some coffee and we can talk about beer. :D

You said the conference was not that good. If I could go to only one conference in the USA, which one would you suggest?

thanks - have a great trip.
sorry..I would love to have a pint but I wont be near London...Blackpool, Manchester and Scotland(Clyde Bank, Dunoon, Glasgow) I would have to say the SCAA is the show to attend...but as I said it wasn't as good as past years...might have to do with the problems the association had this year. I have been to the coffee fests but they are smaller than the SCAA all depends on what you are focused me the coffee fests tend to be for people looking to start a coffee shop or add things to their existing shops..such as biscotti and what not. SCAA is everyone(usually) in the industry such as machines(retail to commercial) Oh well if you are ever in FL hit me up....hope this helped...sorry if I rambled It has been a long day! We started at roasting first batch at 4:00 a.m and if I did my math right we will be cooling the roaster around 1:30 a.m...just enough time to go home and take a shower and return for another day :cry:
From my experience, forget the coffee and go for the beer (even if it is warm). I find the coffee here somewhat stale but hopefully someone will prove me wrong

On the beer theme if there are any Camra festivals when you are here and want to try or like real ale - they are worh a visit. We have just had a good one on the Isle of Wight
we will have a cafe....but it will be for employees...all our sales are online. I will send pics once I get back from vacation...can't wait 8)
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