My Coffe Blog


I took a look at your blog.

I was a bit cautious as I explored the whole page. It looks like there is more going on there than just coffee information.

I especially don't think I'd want to click on any of the links for the advertisers on your page..... especially the ones at the bottom of the page. I'd be afraid my spam blocker and Spy Sweeper software would go crazy!

I'm curious.....what are the stay at home Moms selling for extra money?

I'm glad you both took a look at it.

I thought maybe I was being too paranoid.

The strange thing is that there are parts that seem okay, but then there are other parts that sent up lots of "red flags." Even though I didn't click on any of the links, I still did a spyware sweep and virus sweep of my computer...just in case. Everything was fine.....but it pays to be careful.

Yes, this one definitely gets a thumbs down!
